Last night I published my second collection of short stories, Beneath a Wild Sky - Forest Cat and Other Stories. See it on my author page at, .
I featured the first story in the book, "Forest Cat," as a serialized story on my nature blog at
Here's the story behind it:
I wanted to begin posting some short stories on the nature blog, and since I love the mystery genre, I chose to start there. The story would be a mystery, had to have a natural setting, and an animal had to figure prominently in the story.
Here's the very short blurb from "Forest Cat": Veterinarian Shea
Maroney heads into the forest in search of a cougar wounded by a hunter, and
encounters the legendary reclusive Bess Milton, “Witch of the Forest.”
With this story, like many others, I start by asking questions. Sometimes, I use my envelopes to provide the answers (see previous posts). For this story, I drew from the 'settings envelope,' and the 'animal' envelope. I also drew from an envelope I've labeled 'professions,' which gives me the employment of one or more characters.
As for the reclusive Bess Milton, I never knew her. But there was a 'witch' in my neighborhood when I was growing up. Truthfully, she wasn't a witch, just an elderly lady who frequently wandered around her backyard in a housedress, usually in the morning hours. I could see her from my seat high up in the maple tree behind my house.
Once I started thinking about a story set in a forest, the character of Bess appeared as well. You'll have to read the story to find out more. BTW, it's free on my blog, or as the 20 percent sample download you get free from Smashwords without any obligation.
I hope you are enjoying the stories, and the inside scoop provided by my blog. If you are, let me know. I'd love to hear from you, and answer your questions!
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